Michael Nilsson från nordanljus.se recenserar Ricohs nya kamera Caplio GX100 för Fotokoll.se.
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Man with didgeridoo. The Great Ganga Giri in colaboration with Balinese Gamelan.
Amazon.co.jp から購入 : http://cheap.goes2japan.com/?asin=B000P1KQ94 RICOH Caplio (キャプリオ) GX100 VF KIT RICOH Caplio キャプリオ GX100 VF KIT.
Timelapse - Seven Sisters (Sussex, UK) ..shot by Pigeon Pictures with ricoh caplio gx100 during two days trip at Seven Sisters Country Park. music under Crea...
a hybrid video from winter hike at Veľká Fatra National Park in Slovakia to Tlstá mountain (N48°56'5.02" E18°57'58.71") and an "expedition" to cave Mažarna. ...pictures and video made...
Nahko Bear & Medicine for the People at BaliSpirit Festival 2012, April 1st Shot & Edited by @erwinms using Ricoh Caplio GX100.
Navicula & Tika at BaliSpirit Festival 2012, April 1st Shot & Edited by @erwinms using Ricoh Caplio GX100 Thanks for Watching! \m/
just me and my friends enjoying a festival and all other stuff. taken with ricoh caplio gx100 . . The festival with ancient agricultural works, skills of c...
This was a test, I wanted to see what can be done with an elevater. The camera was a Ricoh Caplio GX100 Zachary Handcrafted Guitars, 191198 Roger Moser.
something about the regent's canal ......made with ricoh caplio gx100.
Jutranje odpiranje regradovih cvetov. Luče, Zgornja Savinjska Ricoh Caplio GX100 700 slik @ 15 fps Čas snemanja: 1 ura.
Kvaliteten på dette opptaket er desverre horribelt dårlig. Hadde desverre ikke med meg Casio-kameraet, så det ble et pingleopptak via videofunksjon på Ricoh ...
This was a video edited in less than 17 hours. It was screened at the Florida Aquarium ahead of the ACE National awards ceremony. We shot on two Canon T2I cameras using a glide cam rig and...