Видеообзор гибридного фотоаппарата со сменной оптикой Sony NEX-3. Сравнить цены: http://av.hotline.ua/tx/sony_nex-3k/?catspot=4&sitespot=100.
Подробнее http://www.digital.ru/digitaltv/show/sony_nex.html Цифровые фотокамеры Sony Alpha серии NEX не имеют зеркального блока, но в остальном они практиче...
Last year, Sony's peculiar move to beef up its entry-level NEX left us puzzled, and generally unimpressed. The NEX-F3 was a fine mirrorless camera by most ac...
Get your NEX-3N today from Amazon through the link below: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BF9MUBM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creat...
Don't forget to subscribe! This is my full review of the Sony NEX 3 digital camera. Manufactured by: http://sony.com Provided by: http://discuscommunications...
Видеообзор Sony NEX-3 от компании Цифровичок.
Camera: NEX-3 Size: 720p Lens: 16mm F 2.8 Sony Fisheye 18-55mm F 3.5-5.6 70-400 G F4-5.6 50mm F1.8.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/productfeedback Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Product-Feedback/126675814041401?ref=ts This is a review, hands on, fi...
In this video I will go over the Sony Nex-3n Shooting Modes, Menus, and Camera Setup in detail. Full Sony Nex-3n Review Here: http://sonyalphalab.com/product...
Презентация беззеркальной камеры Sony NEX 3N, зеркальной камеры Sony Alfa 58, камер-амфибий TX30 и TF1. Полный обзор: http://photowebexpo.ru/cep-2013/NEX-3N-...
The Sony NEX series is the latest addition to the growing field of compact large-sensor, interchangeable lens cameras. Despite its huge APS sensor, the Sony ...
MUCHAS GRACIAS! Tu visita a este video me llena de alegría y ganas de seguir creando contenido, si te gustó presiona "Me Gusta" y recuerda SUSCRIBIRTE para e...
Обзор цифрового фотоаппарата Sony Alpha NEX-5 и NEX-3 - ONFOTO.RU. Режимы и функции, съемка панорамы и HDR, работа с меню, множество скриншотов. Подробный об...
The world's smallest, lightest interchangeable lens camera is out, or at least that's what they say. We get our hands on the new Sony NEX C3 and find out wha...
Nos liamos y nos metemos en la caja de una de las más interesantes cámaras de fotos digital, la NEX 3N d eSony, para descubrir todo lo que son capaces de met...
We are giving away a Samsung Galaxy S4 - http://nothingwired.com/we-are-organizing-a-samsung-galaxy-s4-giveaway/ Find samples here ...
A look and my first impressions When I say adjusting aperture I ment exposure.
The Sony NEX-3N is the company's new introduction to its cheapest and most basic entry-level CSC range. It replaces the Sony NEX-F3 and has a redesigned chas...
I take a look at the Sony's latest entry level NEX camera, the NEX-3N. You can follow me on: Facebook - http://on.fb.me/rtdqar Twitter - http://bit.ly/JUWCNj...